Miel De Montagne – Trop Vite

Album: Tout Autour De Nous

Label : Delicieuse Records
© 2022 Recherche & Développement / Délicieuse Records

Three years after his first album with 40M listenings, Miel de Montagne is back with “Tout autour de nous”. In this new album, he opens the door to the existential questionings which inhabit Miel de Montagne and which he succeeds in formulating with simple and right images.

So he now takes the time to listen to the doubts that he had a tendency to push away: trying to understand who we are, managing to feel in agreement with ourselves when everyone gives us a role and we easily tend to hide behind a mask, keeping our childish soul and our freedom even when we grow up, accepting the existential void that sometimes haunts us…

Staying true requires more effort but it is the best way to feel alive. And who better than Jacques and Philippe Katerine, two thinkers of French music, to accompany him as guests on this album?

The 11 tracks reflect the range of emotions and thoughts that run through Miel de Montagne’s daily life.

Sometimes melancholic, sometimes pensive, but always full of the desire for adventure, this record is reminiscent of the ordinary ecstasies of Jirô Taniguchi and the magnetic music of Mac de Marco and Flavien Berger.

If the person who listens to this record manages to soar, vibrate, embrace the world, reconnect with his or her primary emotions, things and beings, or simply enjoy the moment, that will be the most beautiful reward.
